strawberry sexy fish

Strawberry cocktail recipe by Sexy Fish

13 Jun 2024 | Updated on: 20 Jun 2024 |By Annie Lewis

Sexy Fish launches a cocktail menu for the modern age – so we naturally bagged one of the recipes for you to recreate at home

Loyal readers of this series will know that menus often follow a theme – and few take theirs more seriously than the bar where we found our latest concoction. Sexy Fish – Richard Caring‘s outlandish and glamorous Japanese-inspired restaurant in Mayfair – has recently launched the final instalment in its three-year cocktail menu trilogy, and naturally, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on one of the recipes.

Following the Trinity menu in 2023 and Synergy in 2022, Unity marks a new chapter for the Sexy Fish bar team. The new cocktail menu sees a departure from traditional mixed drink offerings, and promises a modern approach to mixology inspired by the definition, ‘the state of being united or joined as a whole’. With 24 cocktails in total, guests need only choose their desired key flavour – from pineapple to cacao – and whether they want their drink to contain alcohol or not, and the team will deliver a personalised and mindful drinking experience in return. Bar manager Xavier Landais says: “The Unity cocktail menu has been created in the tenets of ‘pure, bold, vibrant and minimal’. Our drinks are simple, yet powerful, [and] every ingredient is carefully selected to create a bold and vibrant flavour profile that excites the senses.”

Highlights include the Pineapple, featuring pineapple-infused The Lost Explorer Espadín mezcal, roasted pineapple, basil, agave lime and coriander, as well as the Sugar Snap Pea, mixing Ki No Bi Kyoto Dry Gin, sugar snap pea, thyme, sherry and apple to elevate the natural aromas of the sweet sugar snap pea. However, our favourite is the Strawberry: a fun take on a whisky sour in homage to Sexy Fish’s Japanese whisky collections and with the intention of making this strong spirit accessible to everyone. Read on for the recipe below.



  • Serves 1


  • Suntory Toki whisky 40ml
  • Noilly Prat Dry Vermouth 15ml
  • Strawberry cordial 30ml
  • Soda water 90ml
  • Basil leaf To garnish


  1. Mix the whisky, cordial and vermouth together in a highball glass over ice.
  2. Top up with soda water and garnish with a basil leaf.

GEORG JENSEN Highball glasses

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Suntory Toki whisky

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Read more: Sakura Royale cocktail recipe by 8 at The Londoner